Friday, February 22, 2013

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  5. But Dr. Itua, Traditional Herbal Practitioner in Africa, Have cured for HIV which is extracted from some rare herbals. It is highly potential to cure AIDS 100% without any residue. Dr Itua herbal medicine has already passed various blogs on how he use his powerful herbals to heal all kind of diseases such as. Herpes, HIV, Diabetes, Hepatitis, Epilepsy, also his herbal boost immune system as well. I'm telling this because he uses his herbal medicine to cure me from hepatitis B and HIV, which i have being living for 9 months now with no side effect. The Herbal Medicine is just as good when drinking it although i have to use rest room after drinking it which I do not really care about because i just want to get the virus out of my body, I will recommend Dr Itua to anyone sick out here to contact Dr Itua with this following information.
    Whatsapp Or Call...+2348149277967.
    He might be late to respond because he always busy with patent, but he will surely get back to you with positive response.

    MI MADRE FUE DIAGNOSTICADA DE HERPES / CONOCIDA COMO GUERRA GENITAL, GASTÉ MUCHO DINERO EN SU MEDICACIÓN HASTA UN PUNTO QUE HABÍA PERDIDO ESPERA, PORQUE MI MADRE FUE MUERTE GRANDEMENTE Y PERDIÓ SU MEMORIA TAMBIÉN, ESTABA TAN DESESPERADO PARA VOLVER MI MADRE A NORMAL, UN DÍA MI TÍO QUE VIVE EN LONDRES REINO UNIDO ME DIJO ACERCA DEL DR JAMES, QUE LO AYUDÓ A DESHABILITARSE DE LAS HERPES / WART GENITAL CON MEDICAMENTOS HERBARIOS Y SU JABÓN HERBAL, ME ENCANTÓ CUANDO ME DIJO SOBRE ESTO. NUNCA CREO EN HIERBAS PERO, SIGO CREER PORQUE MI TÍO NO PUEDE DECIRME MENTIRAS CUANDO VIENE A LA CONDICIÓN DE SALUD CONTACTÉ CON EL DR JAMES POR SU CORREO ELECTRÓNICO; DRJAMESHERBALMIX@GMAIL.COM, PUEDE HABLAR CON ELLA LLAMANDO O EL MENSAJERO DE WHATSAPP AL +2348152855846, RESPONDIÓ Y PÍDAME QUE ENVÍE LA DIRECCIÓN DE MI HOGAR Y EL DETALLE DE MI MADRE Y ENTONCES COMPRÉ LA MEDICINA HERBAL. , CUANDO RECIBÍ ESTA MEDICINA HERBARIA LA UTILIZÉ POR 2 SEMANAS, Y 4 DÍAS DE USO CERRARON LAS GUERRAS, MI MADRE AHORA ME CURÉ TOTALMENTE Y MI MADRE ESTÁ VIVIENDO GRATIS Y FELIZ OTRA VEZ. PUEDE HABLAR CON EL DR A TRAVÉS DE SU NÚMERO MÓVIL O DE QUÉ APLICA SI tiene alguna de estas enfermedades: enfermedad de lupus, úlcera bucal, cáncer de boca, dolor corporal, fiebre, hepatitis ABC, sífilis, diarrea, VIH / SIDA, enfermedad de Huntington, espalda acné, insuficiencia renal crónica, enfermedad de Addison, dolor crónico, dolor de Crohn, fibrosis quística, fibromialgia, enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal, enfermedad fúngica de las uñas, enfermedad de Lyme, enfermedad de Celia, linfoma, depresión mayor, melanoma maligno, manía, melorheostosis, enfermedad de Meniere, mucopolisacaridosis , Esclerosis múltiple, distrofia muscular, artritis reumatoide, enfermedad de Alzheimer, enfermedad de Parkinson, cáncer vaginal, epilepsia, trastornos de ansiedad, enfermedad autoinmune, dolor de espalda, esguince de espalda, trastorno bipolar, tumor cerebral, neoplasia maligna, bruxismo, bulimia, enfermedad del disco cervical, enfermedad cardiovascular, Neoplasias, enfermedades respiratorias crónicas, trastornos mentales y del comportamiento, fibrosis quística, hipertensión, diabetes, asma, medios inflamatorios, artritis autoinmune. enfermedad renal crónica, enfermedad inflamatoria de las articulaciones, impotencia, espectro fetal de alcohol, trastorno distímico, eczema, tuberculosis, síndrome de fatiga crónica, estreñimiento, enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal. y muchos más; + 2348152855846. TODAS LAS GRACIAS AL DOCTOR DR JAMES

  7. I have had HIV positive for 4 years,and I have taking different medications of drugs and injections all my effects to get cured was in vain, one day I came across testimony of someone who sheared how she was cured of Herpes virus from doctor James herbal mix, I thought it was a joke, but I picked up interest and gave it a try and contacted Dr James on his email drjamesherbalmix@gmail.comI told him my problem and he asked how long I was positive and how old I am, and I told him,he said I should not be worried that he will send me his powerful herbal mixed medicine that he believed will cure me from HIV, I said okay and sent him the amount he requested. 2 days later he told me the cure has been sent to me through UPS SPEED POST which got to me in 4 days time.I used the medicine morning and evening as he prescribed for me for 2 weeks I waited for 1 week then I went for a check up and I was tested HIV negative exactly as Dr James told me.I'm now free from HIV virus thank you so much Dr James. The happiness inside of me,made me to shear my testimony because I know there are still people out here with HIV positive and other diseases and don't know how to get cured contact Dr James for he is truly, trustworthy and a good herbalist man. Trust he's gonna cure you Email him on ( WhatsApp him on +2348152855846 He also cures diseases like Herpes virus,Hiv/aids,Hepatitis,Cancer,Rectum effects,Diabetes,Inflammatory diseases HPV,Vaginal infection,UTI,bring back your ex husband

  8. Its a pleasure for me to write this testimony about how i got my Genital Herpes simplex been reading so many comments of some people who were cured from various diseases by Dr ubarlo but i never believed them. I was hurt and depressed so I was too curious and wanted to try Dr ubarlo, then i contacted him through his email when i contact him, he assured me 100% that he will heal me, i pleaded with him to help me out. My treatment was a great success, he healed me just as he promised. he sent me his medication and ask me to go for check up after one weeks of taking the medication. i agreed with him i took this medication and went for check up a , to my greatest surprise my result was negative after the treatment, i am really happy that i am cured and healthy again. I have waited for 3weeks to be very sure i was completely healed before writing this testimony. I did another blood test one week ago and it was still Herpes negative. so i guess its time i recommend anyone going through Herpes HSV-1 or HSV-2, HIV, HPV, Hepatitis B, Diabetes, Cancer reach him through Email OR add on whatsapp +2348119508814
